Timothy's Dev Stuff

A collection of code snippets and other developer things.

Make a Sticky-Scrolling Element with Waypoint JS

Sometimes plugins, site-builders, or other circumstances make it difficult or impossible to make a sticky-scrolling element. That’s where Waypoint JS comes in. Using this, the following script will appropriately add or remove the “sticky” class. Then, you can use CSS to fix the element’s position.

Here’s a snippet I have made use of:

jQuery(document).ready(function () {
    // Choose the element to be "sticky"
    var stickyElement = jQuery('#element-id');

    // This will be used to disable sticky when scrolling back up
    var stickyElementPosition = '';

    // This will remove the "sticky" class if the user scrolls up higher than the element's original position
    var intervalId = window.setInterval(function () {
        if (window.scrollY < stickyElementPosition) {
            // Only remove if it already has the class
            if (stickyElement.hasClass('sticky')) {
                stickyElementPosition = "";
    }, 100);

    var waypoint = new Waypoint({
        element: stickyElement,
        handler: function (direction) {
            if (stickyElementPosition == "") {
                // Remember the element's original position
                stickyElementPosition = window.scrollY;
            // Only add the class if it isn't there
            if (!stickyElement.hasClass('sticky')) {
        offset: 20

And the CSS:

.sticky {
    position: fixed;
    top: 20px;
It is worth noting that this can sometimes be achievable without using the framework. You can read more about the position: sticky; property here. Alternately, Elementor Pro offers sticky functionality on elements in the element’s Motion Effects settings.